Easy handmade Mother’s Day card idea for kids
Here is an easy, but pretty homemade Mother’s Day card idea for kids. This is a simple greeting card you can make using chart paper, color papers, and hot glue.
Since making this Mother’s Day card involve using hot glue, we don’t recommend it for small kids. But kids who are pretty efficient with handling a hot glue gun can make this greeting card easily.
Materials required:
- Cardstock
- Construction paper /Origami paper
- White paper
- Cotton twine string
- Hot glue
- Permanent Marker
- Scissors and glue
Steps for making DIY Mother’s Day card by kids
Step 1: Cutting the heart shape for the card base
We start making the handmade card by cutting a heart shape from the cardstock paper.

a. Start by taking a cardstock sheet (1a).
b. Fold the left and right edges towards the center. The distance from center to the left and right edge should be the same after folding (1b).
c. Make a crease on both sides (1c).

d&e. Now, draw a heart shape on the paper with a pencil (1d and 1e).
f. Next step is to cut along the heart shape we just drew. But when you cut the heart be careful not to cut the part on both the edges marked by arrows in the pic 1f. Cut along the shape, but only from the top and bottom of the paper.
g. Your heart shape looks like this after cutting (1g).

h. Now, take an Origami paper or any square paper of size 15cm. Here, we are using patterned Origami paper. You can adjust the size of this paper according to the size of your card base.(1h).
i. Keep it beneath the heart in order to trace the heart’s outline onto the paper (1i).
j&k. Start tracing along the border of the heart shape using a pencil (1j and 1k).

l. The purpose of tracing the heart shape was to draw a similar, but smaller shaped heart inside the first heart. So, draw a smaller heart shape inside the heart we drew in the last step(1l).
m. Draw along the border with a marker pen (1m).
n. Cut the small heart out (1n).
o. Open the chart paper card we made earlier, And stick the paper heart to the center of the chart paper heart (1o).
Step 2: Make several small hearts to stick on the Mother’s Day card

a. Take a piece of color paper/Origami paper. Here we used an Origami sheet. Therefore, the size is 15cm*15cm. But the size of the paper doesn’t matter here, as in this step we are going to make small hearts (2a).
b. We are going to make several number of hearts in one go, instead of cutting hearts one-by-one which can seem laborious. So, draw a small heart shape on any top corner of the paper (2b).
c. Now, turn the paper upside down (2c).
d. And fold the edge with the small heart backwards as shown in 2d. And make a crease (2d).

e. Now, cut the paper along the width of the folded part as shown in pic 2e.
f-h. What we are going to do next is, folding the paper in a zig-zag manner as shown in pics 2f, 2g, and 2h. Start folding from the base of the heart.

I – l . After folding in zig-zag manner, cut the shape of the heart out. Since the paper is folded in zig-zag way, you will get lots of hearts in one go. If you have your own way of making paper hearts, you can do it too.
Since we used Origami paper, the backside of the paper is white. Therefore we got a mixture of white and red hearts. You can make hearts in different colors according to your wish.
Step 3: Decorating the card

a. Take the card, close the flaps and on top left side, apply glue to stick some paper hearts.
b&c. Before sticking each heart, fold it in the middle as shown in 3b and 3c, to give it a 3D effect.
d. Stick the folded heart onto the card.

e. Stick the paper hearts one-by-one onto the top left and bottom right side of the card (3e).

f. Using a marker pen, draw black dotted lines on the border. Open the card and draw black dotted lines inside as well (3f).

g. In this step, we will glue twine around the card using hot glue. So, apply glue around the card in a single line as shown in the picture. And stick the exact middle of the twine to the part where you applied the glue (3g).

h. In this step, we apply glue to the front of the card as well, continuing on a straight line starting from the backside. Stick the thread onto the card.
Now open the card, and write your personalized message to your mom. Pour your heart out as this is an opportunity to tell her what she means to you.
Tie it up neatly and gift it your mom and make her day!
We hope you like this handmade Mother’s Day card idea. If you wish to make it by watching a video tutorial, here is the link below.
Video tutorial to make Mother’s Day Greeting Card
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