How to make a simple paper watch (Step-by-step tutorial)
If you have an hour or less to kill with kids or to keep them engaged, making this paper watch is a good idea.
This is a very easy and simple watch you can make out of paper. Other than spending time creatively, this watch can also help you to teach time to kids.
Just make a number of watches and draw different times on each one or ask them to draw a time that you ask them.
While doing this activity, you can also teach them about the concept of second, minute and hour hands too.
They can also wear this paper watch. We’ll show you how.
So, let’s get started?
Materials required
-Color paper (two colors)
Step-by-step tutorial to make a watch out of paper
Step 1: Make the strap of the paper watch

a. Take any color paper of your choice. Cut a rectangle of size 15cm x 8cm (1a).
b. Fold the paper in half and make a crease (1b).
c. Unfold and apply glue inside (1c).
d. Fold again and stick it together (1d).

e. Make sure it is stuck well
f & g. Now fold the paper again in half and make a crease (1f and 1g).
h. Unfold and apply glue inside to stick the folded part together (1h).

i. Make sure it is stuck well (1i).
j. Now draw a V-shape on one end of the strap as shown in pic 1j. This pointed end will help us to fasten the strap of the paper watch later.
k &l. Now cut along the V-shape (1k and 1l).

In this step, we are going to mark the width of the slits that will be used to insert the strap end. m &n. Roll the strap over so that the pointed end touches the other end of the strap (1m and 1n).
o. Mark a line as shown in pic 1o (see the black line).
p. Draw two more lines (1p). Try wearing the strap on your child’s wrists to mark the lines so that you know where to cut the slits.

q. Mark the lines (1q).
r. Cut along the lines and make slits (1r).
s. Try inserting through the slits (1s).
Step 2: Making the dial of the paper watch – flower portion

a. Take another color paper and cut a square of size 6cm x 6cm (2a).
From this step onwards, keep the paper in the same position so that you don’t go wrong with the order of folding.
b&c. Fold the paper from bottom to top and make a crease (2b and 2c).
d. Now fold from left to right and make a crease again (2d).

Now, we are going to make a small triangle.
Keep the position intact as in pic 2d. Now, look at the pic 2e. Do you see the corners marked as A, B, C, and D?
e&f. Fold diagonally from A to C so that vertex A meets vertex C (2e and 2f).
And press the folded part well.
g&h. Now, fold again from the vertex C as shown in pic 2g, to meet the opposite edge. Press it well (2g and 2h).

i. Now, we have to cut and trim the end of the paper to make it even (see the dotted line in pic 2i).
j&k. When you cut along the latest fold (the dotted black line in 2i) and open it once, you will get the kite shape (2j and 2k).

l. Now, draw an arc on the kite shape (black dotted line in 2l).
m. Cut along the shape (2m).
n&o. Open it to the get the flower petal (2n and 2o).

p. Now, take the strap of the paper watch and keep the flower petal on it to mark the width of the strap on the flower(2p).
q&r. Draw two vertical lines on it at the marked width and cut along them (2q and 2r).
s. Now insert the strap of the paper watch through the slits (2s).
Step 3: Make the dial of the paper watch

a. Cut a small circle (3a). G
b&c. Glue it to the center of the paper flower (3b and 3c).
d. Now write down the numbers from 1 to 12 inside the dial and draw the minute and hour hands of the paper watch.
Thus, your easy paper watch is ready!

In case you are still confused about any step, here is a video tutorial to make the paper watch.
Video tutorial to make paper watch
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