Easy bookmark idea with Popsicle stick for kids(Step-by-step pictures)

Easy bookmark idea with Popsicle stick for kids(Step-by-step pictures)

If you have little readers at home, bookmarks are a necessity. It’s more fun when kids can make bookmarks on their own. Here is an easy ice cream stick bookmark craft for kids. With minimal craft supplies, you can help kids make cute bookmarks today. Before moving on to the craft, we would appreciate it…

How to make a paper corner bookmark (5 cute kawaii bookmark tutorials)

How to make a paper corner bookmark (5 cute kawaii bookmark tutorials)

When you are creative-brained and love making things from scratch, seeing your creations all around the house makes you feel happy and accomplished. Same with your kids – it helps to improve their self-esteem and belief in their abilities. If you or your family is into reading, the following corner bookmark ideas will be useful….